National Honor Guard Commanders Association
“The mission of the National Honor Guard Commanders Association is to establish a group of Honor Guard Commanders nationwide, who will share information and experiences in order to make us stronger leaders and more knowledgeable in what we do.”
National Fallen Firefighters Foundation
“The United States Congress created the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation to lead a nationwide effort to remember America’s fallen firefighters. Since 1992, the tax-exempt, nonprofit Foundation has developed and expanded programs to honor our fallen fire heroes and assist their families and coworkers.” Go to the Fire Service Programs tab and look at LODD Resources. Additionally, the LAST Program provides an Overhead Response Team to assist an agency with all aspects of funeral planning and benefits processing.
Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc. (COPS)
“Provides resources to assist in the rebuilding of the lives of surviving families of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty. COPS provides training to law enforcement agencies on survivor victimization issues and educates the public of the need to support the law enforcement profession and its survivors.
National EMS Memorial Service
Their mission is to “honor and remember those men and women of America’s Emergency Medical Services who have given their lives in the line of duty, and to recognize the sacrifice they have made in service to their communities and their fellow man.”
Provides free burial vaults for public safety officers killed in the line of duty. They are a national provider that works with the local funeral home to coordinate assistance.
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund
“The mission of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund is to generate increased public support for the law enforcement profession by permanently recording and appropriately commemorating the service and sacrifice of law enforcement officers; and to provide information that will help promote law enforcement safety.”
This organization provides immediate financial support to families of fallen public safety officers in Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri. They have Ceremonial Teams to assist with planning and coordination of funeral events as well as Benefits Specialists to assist with ongoing support for the family.
Lighthouse Uniform Company
The Lighthouse Uniform Company has a Fallen Firefighter and Fallen EMS Dress Uniform Program. They will provide a dress uniform for burial to the department of a fallen hero. Shipping charges still apply, but they are able to provide the unform on short notice and at no additional cost. They are also a full service uniform supplier.
Other notable Honor Guard Uniform and Equipment suppliers include, but are not limited to, Marlow White Uniform, Galls, ParadeStore.com, Liberty Art Works, Plano America, BandChoirMart.com and Supply Room
Officer Down Memorial Page
The Officer Down Memorial Page, Inc., (ODMP) is a non-profit organization dedicated to honoring America's fallen Law Enforcement heroes. More than 19,000 officers have made the ultimate sacrifice in the US and it is with great honor that the ODMP pays a lasting tribute to each of these officers by preserving their memories within its pages.
National Volunteer Fire Council
“The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) is a non-profit membership association representing the interests of the volunteer fire, EMS and rescue services. The NVFC serves as the information source regarding legislation, standards and regulatory issues. The NVFC also provides resources and information to the volunteer fire and emergency services.”
Federation of Fire Chaplains
“We offer many resources for the Fire Chaplain to help build a relationship and ministry opportunity within the fire service.”
Everyone Goes Home – Firefighter Life Safety Initiative
“Recognizing the need to do more to prevent line-of-duty deaths and injuries, the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation has developed a national program to bring prevention efforts to the forefront.”
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Program
This website provides detailed information on the regulations governing the Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Program, along with claim forms and instructions for filing claims.
Betsy Ross Homepage
U.S. Flag Rules and Regulations. This site provides detailed information on how to properly display the U.S. Flag.
Minnesota Fallen Firefighters Memorial Association
Visit their ‘Links & Resources’ page for a diverse listing of information you may find useful.
The Fire Products Store
A good resource for bunting and shrouds.
A Labor of Love, How to Write a Eulogy. Garry Schaeffer.
This book, recommended by a fire chief, offers tips on what to say and provides sample eulogies.
Final Salute: A story of Unfinished Lives. Jim Sheeler
National Honor Guard Academy
PO Box 3860 Seminole, FL 33775